Getting Started
Why Complete a Wellness Health check?
When we’re developing new processes, we often don’t adequately define the problems we’re attempting to solve and therefore aren’t able to articulate why those issues are important.
When this happens, we may miss opportunities, waste resources, and even end up pursuing solutions that aren’t aligned with our strategies. We need to become better at asking the right questions so we tackle the right problems.
The Workplace Culture Wellness Health Check will help you to:
zero in on your organisation’s problem areas
allow you to diagnose the problems
develop an action plan to address the issues
spend time and effort where you need to
help your organisation to gain the most benefit from your actions.
Discover Your Organisation’s Wellness Report
Working to improve all three themes at once may feel overwhelming, so we encourage you to undertake the Workplace Culture Wellness Health Check to narrow down which areas of the three themes will be your first area of focus.
“The future belongs to those who prepare for it today.”
The Workplace Culture Wellness Health Report you receive upon completion of this survey will provide you with valuable information that includes:
Your organisation’s Workplace Culture Wellness Score
A summary of your organisation’s performance in Constructive and Committed Leadership; Culture and Connection; and Communication and Participation
A breakdown of your performance in each of the three key themes.
Complete the Workplace Culture Wellness Health Check to determine your organisation’s Workplace Culture Wellness Report. Your Workplace Culture Wellness Report will help you evaluate how well your organisation supports mental health and wellness in the workplace, and provides you with a benchmark to track and evaluate the success of your activities to improve wellness in your workplace.
Identify Your Areas of Focus
The Workplace Culture Wellness Health Check will also help you to determine which areas of The Integrated Framework you should focus on initially, to really drive results.
The Integrated Framework breaks down the areas of focus into three key themes:
Constructive and Committed Leadership
Ensuring your leaders demonstrate the skills and behaviours that will drive results for your organisation, and the commitment to set and work to achieve goals to improve workplace mental health and wellness.Culture and Connection
Setting your organisation up to succeed, by crafting and outlining your desired culture, with leaders who can connect the broader business to the vision.Communication and Participation
Empowering your people to drive results through regular and relevant communication that encourages participation and engagement in the vision.
Before You Start…
As you prepare to conduct your Workplace Culture Wellness Health Check, you will need to factor in the time it may take you to find out some of the information we will ask you about. This may include:
Searching for information or processes on your organisation’s intranet site or file management system
Meeting with members of your Human Resources Department, Learning & Development Team, Operations Team, etc.
Facilitating discussions with your organisation’s leadership team
Surveying your organisation’s employees.
You should allow between 30 and 60 minutes to complete the Workplace Culture Wellness Health Check questions, plus the time you’ll need to find the information through searches and discussions.
For this reason, you can bookmark your place in the Workplace Culture Wellness Health Check at any point, and return to complete it at a later time.
It’s important not to rush the process, and the real value comes from undertaking an honest and thorough review of your organisation’s processes and practices.
“Change might not be fast and it isn’t always easy. But with time and effort, almost any habit can be reshaped.”
Next Steps
After you have taken the Workplace Culture Wellness Health Check
Now that you’ve completed your Workplace Culture Wellness Health Check and obtained your organisation’s Workplace Culture Wellness Report, here are your next steps to improving workplace wellness…
Prioritise your Areas for Improvement
Which of the three key areas will you work to improve first? What other areas will you work to improve before your next Workplace Culture Wellness Health Check? Map these out in a high-level schedule.
Learn how to Improve Your Workplace Culture Wellness Score
Review the content in The Integrated Framework. This will help guide your thinking on what actions to take for your detailed areas of focus, that are specific to your organisation’s unique needs.
Select the buttons below to learn more about:
Develop your Action Plan
Create a schedule for your action plan and commence stakeholder engagement discussions to improve your Workplace Culture Wellness Score.
Determine your organisation’s Workplace Culture Wellness Commitment Goal
Choose your target wellness rating and schedule a date to re-evaluate your organisation’s workplace mental health and wellness.
Re-check your Workplace Culture Wellness in 6 to 12 months
It’s vital to check in on how you’re progressing towards your Workplace Culture Wellness Commitment Goal. You can use this step to:
Evaluate your progress
Reflect on what’s working and what’s not
Reassess your goals and re-evaluate those that are lower priority
Correct course, if necessary
Schedule your next Worlplace Culture Wellness Commitment Goal check-in.
“Dream big, start small, but most of all, start.”