Behaviour rewarded is behaviour repeated. It’s a simple principle that is core to ensuring good behaviour becomes a habit. We know it with our pets, with our children and our staff are no different. When we are seeking to embed culture, observing for, recognising and acknowledging (rewarding) the right behaviour means that it will continue.
Research on workplace wellness also demonstrates that employers who provide positive recognition and reward, contribute to higher levels of employee engagement, quality employee performance, and workplace stability.
We learnt on the physical safety journey, that financial rewards are not always the best way to embed new behaviours. The main reason is that once the reward is removed, the motivation is removed. When the reward falls more in the recognition space, then the motivation can often become intrinsic - that is people feel good in themselves.
When building a recognition program there are a few important things to keep in mind. Use this template to help you ensure your programs deliver the outcomes you are expecting.
Examples of reward and recognition activities that were implemented as an outcome of the Integrated Approach taken at the Mordialloc Bypass project include: