Position descriptions should accurately reflect the duties and responsibilities required for the role, answering the question for new employees, “What does this role look like on a daily basis?”
However, they should do much more than that. Developing a position description is also an opportunity for you to bring emphasis to your culture and values to ensure you’re hiring like-minded people, and to showcase how you’re incorporating SMART Work Design to ensure that the work your people do is Stimulating, that it allows for role Mastery, provides Agency, brings focus to the important Relational aspect, and that demands are Tolerable.
We know that these building blocks are key to ensuring wellness in the work people do, and setting these expectations from the start through your job description will demonstrate your commitment to wellness at the role and organisational level.
This position description example from Hepburn Shire Council showcases qualities, such as a summary of the essential responsibilities, activities, qualification and skills for the role. To elevate how you approach position descriptions, review the call-out boxes to see how the SMART Work Design principles can enhance these foundations.

A copy of the original position description from Hepburn Shire Council can be found here: